Yachting Art Magazine

Articles with tag : lighthouse

08/31/2023 From Overblog

Tour du Prince Noir - Like the eye of Sauron in Tolkien's work, the French lighthouse has collapsed

Built in the second half of the 14th century, the Tour du Prince Noir (Black Prince's Tower) was a lighthouse which,...

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06/30/2023 From Overblog

Cordouan lighthouse - The Château de Versailles by the sea

The Cordouan lighthouse is a late 16th-century maritime structure commissioned from the architect Louis de Foix...

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06/07/2023 From Overblog

Why the Ouistreham lighthouse has been the most famous French lighthouse in the world for 90 years

In the pantheon of French lighthouses (the PPF), the most famous in the world is not Eckmühl, Cordouan, Sanguinaires...

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