Yachting Art Magazine

The Nez de Jobourg, a majestic promontory on the Cap de la Hague in Normandy

The Nez de Jobourg is a rocky promontory overlooking the English Channel, located on the Cap de la Hague. Its incredible panorama makes it the second most visited site in the Manche department, after Mont Saint Michel!

The Nez de Jobourg, a majestic promontory on the Cap de la Hague in Normandy

The Nez de Jobourg offers an incredible and fantastic backdrop, whether viewed from the sea via the Raz Blanchard and Port Racine, the smallest port in France, or from land along the customs path.

This rocky promontory, perched 128 metres above sea level and one of the highest cliffs in Europe, not far from the La Hague reprocessing plant, is the best example of the brutal meeting of land and ocean.

128m of raw rock, carved by the wind and the force of the waves, proudly towering above, then suddenly falling into the water without any restraint whatsoever, forming a cape that Cyrano de Bergerac would not have disowned, in his famous Tirade du Nez, offering a majestic view of the end of the world, allowing us on a clear day to see the Goury lighthouse , Alderney Island and the Cape of Flamanville on the horizon!

Located in the commune of Jobourg, the Nez de Jobourg is the second most popular tourist attraction in the Manche department, behind Mont Saint Michel if you please! From the customs path, you can discover incredible places like the Trou aux Fées, and the caves of the Lion, the little church and the big church, haunts of smugglers and shipwreckers of old, who saw desperate ships with holds full of riches run aground in front of two of them in stormy weather, deceived by saving fires that became fires of misfortune.

A remarkable treasure in the Parc naturel régional des Marais du Cotentin et du Bessin, the Nez de Jobourg is home to incredible flora and fauna, and hidden spots that the curious walker will delight in discovering, between chapels, fountains and moors of ever-changing colours.

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