June 14 2021
It is in the heart of Austin, Texas, that the drama took place this weekend, on Lady Bird Lake, an artificial lake created by the Colorado River in the 60's during the construction of the Longhorn Dam, which serves as a drinking water reservoir for the city.
Four recreational boaters, who had rented a classic electrically powered outboard from Retro Boat Rental ATX (most conventional motorized activities are prohibited on the lake), lost control of it, and saw their boat run directly into the spillway of the lake, a spillway whose drop is currently about 5m.
Warned by cell phone, the police intervened quickly, and pulled the boaters out of this mistake, under the eye of a videast present on the spot ....
VIDEO - sauvetage in extremis d'un hors-bord entraîné vers une chute d'eau - ActuNautique.com
Il y a des jours ou la chance est de votre côté : c'est ce qu'on du se dire les 4 texanes qui ont bien failli voir leur petit hors bord de location, happé par le déversoir d'un barrage artifici...
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