December 29 2021
This evening, the Boot organization announced the cancellation of the world's largest indoor boat show, which takes place every year at the end of January in Düsseldorf, through its director, Wolfram Diener.
This cancellation will come as no surprise to anyone, as in early December, while the Paris Boat Show was in full swing, the Italian and then French shipyards had collectively announced that they would not participate in the Boot 2022, as they could not guarantee the health safety of their staff and customers; (our Article: French Shipyards give up on Boot 2022).
This was followed by a series of press releases from the Boot, confirming that it would be held in a format reduced to 13 Halls, vs. 18 (even so), with ultimately few boats, and a focus more on water sports, a format far removed from the one that has made the Boot such a deserved success, namely bringing together in one place and at one time the largest offer of motor and sailing boats in the world.
Dernière minute - le BOOT 2022 de Düsseldorf annulé -
L'édition 2022 du BOOT de Düsseldorf, qui devait avoir lieu à la fin du mois de Janvier, dans la Cité Rhénane, est finalement annulé. Une décision qui tombe sous le sens dans le contexte pan...
BOOT 2022 a Düsseldorf cancellato - Yachting Art Magazine
L'edizione 2022 del BOOT di Düsseldorf, che doveva svolgersi a fine gennaio nella città renana, è stata annullata. Una decisione che ha senso nell'attuale contesto pandemico. Questa sera ...
BOOT 2022 in Düsseldorf abgesagt - Yachting Art Magazine
Die BOOT 2022 in Düsseldorf, die Ende Januar in der Rheinmetropole stattfinden sollte, wurde schließlich abgesagt. Eine Entscheidung, die vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Pandemie sinnvoll ist ...
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