Yachting Art Magazine

Luca Brancaleon, New International Sales Manager for the Bénéteau Brand

Luca Brancaleon who is coming from the American group Brunswick, will from now on lead the strategy of the French brand at a world level.

Luca Brancaleon, New International Sales Manager for the Bénéteau Brand

On March 20, he was appointed to this new position, where he took over the position held so far by François Rodrigues.

Luca Brancaleon, who graduated as a jurist from the University of Parma in 1996, has a solid experience in business management in international and multi-brand business.

Specialist of the mechanical and pharmaceutical sectors, Luca Brancaleon integrated the nautical industry sector 13 years ago, for the Italian brand Sessa; he joined then the American group, Brunswick, where he has been responsible for the development of the international brands such as Hatteras Yachts, Cabo Yachts, Boston Whaler, Sea Ray and L class.

This experience enabled him to establish an extensive knowledge of boats including in the field of marketing.

Specialist in foreign languages ​​and cultures, his vision of the profession is customer oriented, to which it responds with a rigorous commercial approach.

Luca Brancaleon takes over the position of François Rodrigues who is moving towards new commercial development functions for the Ships Division of the Bénéteau Group.

=> Luca Brancaleon, nouveau directeur commercial monde
de la marque Bénéteau

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