December 15 2020
The leading European country in terms of the number of boats built, with shipyards such as Groupe Bénéteau, Sunreef Yachts, Galeon, HanseYachts, and numerous production units, notably working for Quicksilver and Bayliner, Poland is further strengthening its attractiveness in the nautical industries, with the creation of the BalticDesign Institute.
At the origin of this institute, the German group HanseYachts decided to locate this design center in Szczecin,, created in partnership with its Polish subsidiary Technologie Tworzyw Sztucznych (specializing in composites), itself located in this Hanseatic city.
The BalticDesign Institute will present itself as a kind of creative campus, housing specialists in naval architecture, structural calculation, designers and creative people.
With this creation, HanseYachts, wishes to strengthen its engineering pole, to accelerate in the long term the time to market of its new units.
This division, which will welcome professionals from around the world, will also allow the German group to strengthen the identity of its different brands and its industrial efficiency, which is among the highest in Europe.
The BalticDesign Institute will open its doors in January and will launch a vast recruitment plan throughout Europe, with 20 people expected to work there within 3 years.
Decryption - not having closed its production plants during the first European containment, following the example of groups such as Bavaria or Grand Large Yachting in France, the German group HanseYachts is showing a fine dynamic, which should next year result in fairly substantial market share gains, following the example of its compatriot Bavaria. In this context, the Group is seeking to reduce its time to market and the differentiation of its different ranges. The creation of a creative campus is intended to respond to this strategy.
HanseYachts recute des architectes navals et des designers de bateaux, en Pologne -
Le groupe allemand HanseYachts, bien connu pour ses marques de voiliers Hanse et Dehler, ses catamarans Privilège et ses bateaux à moteur Sealine et Fjord, renforce sa présence industrielle en ...
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