Il 2021 sarà stato un anno record per Greenline, il cantiere sloveno di barche a motore. Greenline avrà raggiunto...
Learn moreThe year 2021 will have been a record year for Greenline, the Slovenian motorboat shipyard. Greenline will have...
Learn moreСловенская верфь, специализирующаяся на роскошных запусках с гибридными двигателями, представит свой бестселлер...
Learn moreIl cantiere sloveno, specializzato in lanci di lusso con motori ibridi, presenterà il suo 45 Fly, il più venduto,...
Learn moreDie slowenische Werft, die sich auf Luxus-Launches mit Hybridmotoren spezialisiert hat, wird ihren Bestseller 45...
Learn moreThe Slovenian shipyard, which specializes in luxury launches with hybrid engines, is going to present its best-selling...
Learn moreThe Vida 33 is the German version of Greenline's Neo 33, which Bavaria bought from the Slovenian shipyard last...
Learn moreГод назад словенская верфь SVP Yachts (Greenline) спустила на воду NEO - серию из 3 подвесных яхт с революционной...
Learn moreVor einem Jahr brachte die slowenische Werft SVP Yachts (Greenline) NEO auf den Markt, eine Reihe von 3 Außenbordbooten...
Learn moreUn anno fa, il cantiere sloveno SVP Yachts (Greenline) ha varato NEO, una gamma di 3 fuoribordo con un rivoluzionario...
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