Yachting Art Magazine

In 2019, Boating, Will be More Than Ever, an Ode to Happiness and Freedom!

In 2019, Boating, Will be More Than Ever, an  Ode to Happiness and Freedom!

Here it is!! This is a New Year, and it will undoubtedly be rich in news in the field of boating and yachting.

In a world increasingly standardized and controlled, nautical practices, whether stand-up paddle, sailing, motor boating or canoeing, are more than ever a space of happiness, an essential pressure and stress release valve and a way to rhythm everyday life!

Privileged moment where one connects with family and friends for a navigation, a fishing party, a regatta or simply for the pleasure of a day at sea at anchor; sailing is the occasion of a communion with a universe that brings us together: the sea!

A fragile universe, to which it is our duty to take care; a wild universe, we must respect. Contemplating it, we must remain humble; an infinite universe, that often allows us to go beyond ourselves.

Going beyond ourselves, this is the challenge that we set ourselves this year on ActuNautique-Yachting Art!

A year that will see our editorial line strengthened, as our presence in the field, to be closer to news. Through articles, interviews, essays, analyzes, we will seek to offer you ever more relevant information. In parallel, we will continue the development of the international version of ActuNautique, Yachting Art, whose success sometimes surprises us!

A challenge we want to meet even more so when your loyalty and your many messages of encouragement received throughout last year, both online and on Boatshows are for all of us, an inexhaustible source of energy .
On behalf of the entire ActuNautique-Yachting Art team, let me present our Best Wishes for Health, Happiness and Success for 2019! 


Nicolas Venance

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