Yachting Art Magazine

URGENT - recall campaign for defective Goiot escape hatches installed on most catamarans

Owners of Bali, Catana, Fountaine-Pajot, Lagoon and Nautitech pleasure catamarans are invited to contact their dealer as soon as possible to check if their boat is equipped with defective Goiot escape hatches.

Defective Goiot System espape hatch

Defective Goiot System espape hatch

This is a very rare initiative launched today by the major catamaran brands such as Bali, Catana, Fountaine-Pajot, Lagoon and Nautitech.

It turns out that certain models of escape hatches from the company Goiot System, installed on the inner sides of the hulls, are proving to be defective. These hatches, delivered before September 2018, present a risk of glazing detachment that could jeopardize navigation safety.

In this context, Goiot System has implemented a vast generalised recall campaign among the various manufacturers on the market, concerning the hatches delivered before September 2018.

Owners of catamarans of the different brands concerned are invited to contact their dealers or after-sales service as soon as possible to check if their catamaran is equipped with the defective hatches.

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The adhesive that holds the lens in fails. The entire lens falls out.