Yachting Art Magazine

A World Yacht Trophy 2020 for the Prestige X70

At the World Yacht Trophies ceremony held on Saturday, September 12, in Cannes, on the Carlton Beach, the Prestige X70 won a coveted trophy, the "Best Layout".

The Prestige X70 wins a World Yacht Trophy 2020

The Prestige X70 wins a World Yacht Trophy 2020

Every year, the World Yacht Trophies are to the world of yachting what the Oscars are to the world of cinema: the most eagerly awaited moment when the best achievements of the shipyards are put forward by an international jury of specialists in the world of yachting and superyachting. Each year, this event is supported by loyal partners such as Awlgrip AGL Marine, Nissan, Opacmare, Intercontinental, the City of Canness and Champagne Perrier Jouet.

Among the new products presented by the shipyards this year, the new Prestige X70 stood out for its highly innovative concept.

The Prestige X70 stands out for its unique layout on a motoryacht of less than 80 feet, opting for a "full beam" saloon and cockpit, i.e. without side ways!

These are in fact positioned on the flybridge, which gains a central functionality on board.

In a few days, you will be able to discover exclusively on Yachting, two reports from BoatScopy, the first one presenting the innovative concept of this motoryacht, and the second one consisting in a private visit of almost 16 minutes of the Prestige X70!

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