September 30 2020
Among the new products presented by the shipyards this year, the new Prestige X70 stood out for its highly innovative concept.
The Prestige X70 stands out for its unique layout on a motoryacht of less than 80 feet, opting for a "full beam" saloon and cockpit, i.e. without side ways!
These are in fact positioned on the flybridge, which gains a central functionality on board.
In a few days, you will be able to discover exclusively on Yachting, two reports from BoatScopy, the first one presenting the innovative concept of this motoryacht, and the second one consisting in a private visit of almost 16 minutes of the Prestige X70!
Мировой яхтенный трофей 2020 за Prestige X70 - Yachting Art Magazine
На церемонии World Yacht Trophies, состоявшейся в субботу, 12 сентября, в Каннах, на пляже Carlton Beach, Prestige X70 завоевал заве...
Un World Yacht Trophy 2020 pour la Prestige X70 -
Lors de la cérémonie des World Yacht Trophies qui avait lieu samedi 12 septembre, à Cannes, sur la Plage du Carlton, la Prestige X70 a obtenu un Trophée très convoité, celui du "Best Layout",...
Un World Yacht Trophy 2020 per la Prestige X70 - Yachting Art Magazine
Alla cerimonia dei World Yacht Trophies che si è tenuta sabato 12 settembre a Cannes, sulla spiaggia di Carlton, la Prestige X70 ha vinto un ambito trofeo, il "Best Layout". Ogni anno i World Yacht
Eine World Yacht Trophy 2020 für die Prestige X70 - Yachting Art Magazine
Bei der Zeremonie der World Yacht Trophies, die am Samstag, dem 12. September, in Cannes am Carlton Beach stattfand, wurde die Prestige X70 mit der begehrten Trophäe "Bestes Layout" ausgezeichnet ...
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